Astaxanthin has a powerful role as an antioxidant in combatting the damaging effects of free radicals. These free radicals are often caused by lifestyle factors such as obesity and a lack of exercise and are associated with the development of diabetes. The inflammation they cause speeds up the onset of diabetes by altering insulin's action and contributing to the disease.
Astaxanthin, as one of the world's strongest natural antioxidants, can effectively neutralize these free radicals, reducing chronic inflammation and improving the body's ability to metabolize sugar in the blood. This, in turn, increases sensitivity to insulin and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Not only does astaxanthin have a positive impact on diabetes, but it can also assist in weight loss and lower cholesterol levels, which are also beneficial for those with diabetes. Moreover, astaxanthin has been shown to have the potential to reduce the risk of developing severe complications from diabetes, such as kidney disease.
The benefits of astaxanthin for diabetes have been proven through 28 independent studies from 6 different countries, including China, the United States, Taiwan, India, and South Korea. These studies demonstrate astaxanthin's positive impact on diabetes and further solidify its potential as a complementary therapy for the disease.