What is ValAsta?

ValAsta: The Ultimate Antioxidant for Total Body Wellness
Astaxanthin (pronounced Asta-zan-thin) is a naturally occurring pigment that is produced by the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis (H. pluvialis). This remarkable compound is the reason behind the pink color of many aquatic animals like salmon and lobsters.
Scientists have taken a keen interest in Salmon and the role that Astaxanthin plays in their remarkable abilities. The pink color of these fish is a result of their high levels of Astaxanthin. These fish are not only known for their vibrant color but also for their strength and endurance, being able to swim across an entire ocean and then swim up multiple waterfalls to spawn. In addition, wild salmon have almost no incidence of cancer or chronic illness, leading scientists to wonder if their diet, which is highly enriched with Astaxanthin, could be a contributing factor.
But astaxanthin is much more than just a colorant - it is a powerhouse of health benefits. When the algae H. pluvialis is subjected to stress, it produces astaxanthin as a defense mechanism.
This same protective quality makes astaxanthin one of the most potent free radical scavengers known to man. By reducing the concentration of free radicals in the body, astaxanthin helps to prevent the onset of inflammatory diseases and slows down the progression of existing ones.
Experience the benefits of astaxanthin for yourself with a daily supplement. Say goodbye to oxidative stress and hello to a healthier, happier life!

Are There Any Side Effects?
- Astaxanthin has been classified as a generally safe supplement in the USA.
- Astaxanthin is 100% natural and has no serious side effects.
- The only side effects we have observed are a slightly reddish stool and in rare cases some stomach pain.
So, What Else Can ValAsta Do for Our Health?
To understand more about how astaxanthin can benefit our health, we should first take a step back. One must consider that modern society is loaded with free radicals. From smoking to alcohol, obesity to pollution, UV to stress, there have never been more free radicals in our toxic environments.
These free radicals attack our cells every day, so we need a very strong antioxidant to help us to repair this damage. Without this, our bodies become overloaded with constantly trying to heal and we can end up with an auto immune disorder called chronic inflammation. This is where our immune system goes haywire and if left unchecked, can set off a chain of inflammatory events. These create a whole host of minor ailments and general poor health, which, as we get older, often leads to premature aging, obesity, depression and eventually, chronic disease and cancer. This in a nutshell is why so many people are sickly in modern society.
Skin Protection from the inside out!
When most people first start to take astaxanthin, they notice, almost immediately, the effect it has on their skin. A significant reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, reduction of dark spots and bags under the eyes, more even complexion, less age spots, greater skin elasticity, less rosacea, less dry skin, spots cleared up, less flaky skin, help with scars and a generally glowing, more youthful, more attractive appearance.
Astaxanthin no doubt would work well as a sunscreen to be applied directly to the skin. It is also very effective as a sunscreen from the inside out. After taking astaxanthin, those who struggle with the sun can find they can spend more time in the sun without burning. If they do burn, the skin heals much more quickly, as it is capable of dealing with the sun’s free radicals much better with the help of astaxanthin and the inflammation caused by sun damage is greatly reduced. In animal studies, astaxanthin prevented skin tumors and collagen breakdown from UV light.
What is Liposomal Astaxanthin?
Liposomal delivery is the unique process of encapsulating the astaxanthin molecule inside a fat molecule. It took ValAsta 8 years to perfect this process.
We use high frequency energy to do this, which makes the astaxanthin molecule far more absorbable inside the body.
If astaxanthin isn’t protected by fat (which the body loves) it struggles to make it past the stomach acid.